Career Guidance

Is a Political Science Degree Worth It?

Is a political science degree worth it? Yes, a political science degree is definitely worth it.

If you are passionate about politics and would love to pursue a political career, getting a political science degree is a good choice.

A political science degree can open doors to several job prospects and career paths.

So if you’ve been considering getting a political science degree, this is the best time to go for it.

Trust me, with your political science degree, you can secure employment opportunities in different political settings.

And the best part is that jobs in this field pay pretty well too, so you can expect to earn a decent income while working them.

In this guide, we will explore the question “Is a political science degree worth it?” and provide insights on the diverse career paths you can pursue with a political science degree.

Ready? Let’s go!

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What Is Political Science?

What Is Political Science
What Is Political Science

Political science is the systematic study of politics, government, and political behavior.

It examines political systems, institutions, and processes, seeking to understand power dynamics in society.

Key areas include government structures, international relations, comparative politics, political theory, public policy, political behavior, and methodology.

Political scientists analyze how governments function, study international interactions, compare political systems across countries, explore political philosophies, assess public policies, and investigate voter behavior.

They use research methods like surveys and statistical analysis to gather and interpret data.

This field plays a vital role in shaping public discourse, informing policy decisions, and understanding the ethical and practical aspects of governance.

Political scientists work in academia, government, think tanks and international organizations to contribute valuable insights into political dynamics and help address complex societal challenges.

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Is a Political Science Degree Worth It?

Is a Political Science Degree Worth It
Is a Political Science Degree Worth It

Yes, a political science degree is surely worth it.

If you’re fascinated by politics, governments, and social issues, a political science degree can be super rewarding.

It’s like a backstage pass to understanding how the world is run.

Think about your career goals, though.

If you dream of working in government, law, journalism, public policy, or international relations, this degree can be your golden ticket.

It opens doors to these fields and equips you with skills like critical thinking, research, and writing – these are like your Swiss Army knife of abilities that can come in handy in various careers.

Networking is another perk. You’ll rub shoulders with professors and fellow students who might be influential in your future career.

Plus, many programs offer internships, giving you a foot in the door.

But here’s the deal: Some jobs might need more than just a bachelor’s degree.

For roles like a college professor or a high-level diplomat, you might need to add a master’s or even a Ph.D. to your credentials.


Remember to check out the job market where you want to work.

Some areas of political science are more competitive than others, so be ready to hustle and gain experience along the way.

Lastly, consider the cost.

Student debt is real, and you need to weigh it against your expected earnings in your chosen career path.


Overall, a political science degree can be a fantastic choice if you’re passionate about politics and you align your career goals with it.

It’s not just a piece of paper; it’s a toolkit that can help you shape your future in various exciting ways.

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Pros and Cons of a Political Science Degree

Pros and Cons of a Political Science Degree
Pros and Cons of a Political Science Degree

A political science degree comes with a lot of advantages but it also has some potential drawbacks.

Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of pursuing a political science degree:


1. Understanding of Politics

A political science degree equips you with in-depth knowledge of political systems, government structures, and the functioning of political institutions, which can be personally enriching and helpful in navigating the political landscape.

2. Versatile Skills

It hones skills such as critical thinking, research, writing, and analysis that are transferable to various careers, making you a valuable asset in the job market.

3. Career Opportunities

It opens doors to a wide range of career paths, including government, law, public policy, international relations, journalism, academia, and advocacy.

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4. Networking

You have the opportunity to build a valuable network of professors, classmates, and professionals in the field, which can lead to job opportunities and collaborations.

5. Civic Engagement

A political science background can enhance your understanding of civic engagement and make you a more informed and active citizen.

6. Graduate Education

If you aspire to specialize further, a political science degree can be a stepping stone to advanced degrees and careers in academia or research.

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1. Limited Job Market

Some political science subfields can be highly competitive, and job opportunities may be limited, especially at the entry-level.

Gaining practical experience through internships is crucial.

2. Salary Variability

Salaries in political science-related fields can vary widely.

While some roles can be lucrative, others may offer modest compensation, which may not align with the investment in education.

3. Debt and ROI

College tuition can be expensive, and taking on significant student loan debt may not yield an immediate or high return on investment, particularly if job prospects in your area are limited.

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4. Narrow Focus

The degree may be too specialized for some individuals, limiting their career options if they later decide to explore other fields.

5. Additional Education

Some positions, such as becoming a lawyer, require additional education beyond a bachelor’s degree, which can mean more time and expense.

6. Political Bias

In some academic settings, there may be a perception of political bias, which could influence your educational experience.


Overall, a political science degree offers both advantages and disadvantages.

It can be a valuable choice if you are passionate about politics and align your career goals with the field.

However, it’s essential to consider the competitive job market, potential debt, and the need for additional education for specific career paths when making your decision.

Ultimately, the worth of a political science degree depends on your individual interests and aspirations.

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Career Paths for Political Science Graduates

As a political science graduate, there are several career paths you can explore.

Here are some of the most common career paths for political science graduates:

1. Government and Public Administration

q) Public Policy Analyst

Picture yourself diving into complex issues, analyzing policies, and making recommendations that could shape the future.

It’s like being a detective of government decisions.

b) Legislative Assistant

Ever wanted to work alongside lawmakers, helping them research, draft laws, and connect with constituents?

This role is like being a behind-the-scenes superhero of the political world.

c) Public Affairs Specialist

If you enjoy communication and relationship-building, imagine being the bridge between government agencies and the public, helping folks understand the nitty-gritty of government actions.

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2. Law and Legal Services

q) Lawyer

If you’re considering law school, your political science background sets a solid foundation.

You could become a courtroom hero, defending clients’ rights or pursuing justice.

b) Paralegal

Think of yourself as a lawyer’s right hand. You’d assist with research, document preparation, and managing cases – an indispensable role in the legal world.

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3. International Relations and Diplomacy

a) Foreign Service Officer

Ever dreamt of representing your country abroad, negotiating treaties, and promoting diplomacy?

This career is like being a global ambassador.

b) International Development Specialist

If you’re passionate about global issues like poverty, healthcare, and human rights, working with organizations like the United Nations or NGOs can make a real impact.

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4. Nonprofit and Advocacy Organizations

a) Policy Advocate

Imagine being the voice for a cause you’re passionate about, lobbying lawmakers, and raising awareness.

It’s like fighting for change from the front lines.

b) Nonprofit Manager

Leading and managing operations for a nonprofit organization dedicated to making the world a better place is incredibly fulfilling.

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5. Media and Journalism

a) Political Journalist

If you’re drawn to storytelling and current events, becoming a political journalist lets you report on the latest political happenings for newspapers, TV, or online media.

b) Political Commentator

Do you enjoy sharing your insights and opinions?

As a political commentator, you’d provide analysis and commentary on political developments, shaping public discourse.

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6. Business and Corporate Sector

a) Corporate Communications Specialist

In this role, you’d handle internal and external communications for corporations, bridging the gap between companies and the public.

b) Market Research Analyst

Dive into data analysis to help businesses make informed decisions, including how politics and regulations impact markets.

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7. Academia and Research

a) College Professor

If you love teaching and researching, becoming a college professor allows you to share your knowledge and mentor the next generation of political scientists.

b) Research Analyst

Working for think tanks or research institutions, you’d investigate critical issues, provide data-driven insights, and influence policy decisions.


These diverse career paths illustrate the versatility of a political science degree.

You can choose to be a policymaker, a legal eagle, a global diplomat, a voice for change, a storyteller, a business strategist, an educator, or a researcher – the possibilities are vast!

The key is to align your passion and skills with your chosen path, gain practical experience through internships, and watch your political science degree open doors to an exciting and impactful career.

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How Much Does Political Scientists Make?

Political scientists’ salaries can vary widely.

On average, they earn around $130,000 annually in the United States.

However, several factors influence these earnings.

Experience matters. Newcomers may start with lower salaries, but as they gain expertise, their pay tends to increase.

Education also plays a role. Those with advanced degrees, like a master’s or Ph.D., often command higher salaries.

Location can be a game-changer. Big cities and states with higher living costs tend to offer more substantial salaries to offset expenses.

The industry you work in also matters. Government roles might be stable but pay less compared to private sector or consulting gigs, which can be quite lucrative.


Overall, it’s a mixed bag, with public and private sectors, experience, and education levels all influencing how much a political scientist makes.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which Degree Is the Best for Political Science?

When it comes to the best degree for political science, a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Political Science is a solid choice.

It gives you a broad understanding of political systems and theories.

But, if you’re keen on a more specialized approach, consider a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Political Science or even a double major with subjects like International Relations, Economics, or History.

To shine in political science, get hands-on experience through internships, research, and extracurricular activities.

It all depends on your interests and where you see yourself in the dynamic world of politics.

Where Can I Work If I Study Political Science?

Studying political science opens up a world of career options.

You can dive into government work, becoming a policymaker, analyst, or advisor at local or federal levels.

Non-profits often need political scientists for advocacy, research, and PR roles.

The private sector offers consulting, public relations, and corporate social responsibility jobs.

For those who love words, political journalism and law are great fits.

And if academia is your thing, teaching and research are on the table.

Don’t forget international organizations and think tanks for a global perspective.

Overall, political science lets you explore a diverse range of fields and make a difference.

Can a Political Scientist Become a Lawyer?

Yes, a political scientist can become a lawyer.

Those critical thinking and research skills you develop in political science are like gold in the legal world.

To make the switch, you’ll need to go to law school and pass the bar exam.

Many law schools appreciate diverse academic backgrounds, so political science is a plus.

This combo is especially valuable in areas like constitutional or international law, where politics and government knowledge are vital.

So, yes, you can definitely pivot from political science to a successful legal career with the right education and credentials.

Is Political Science a Hard Course?

Well, it really depends on your interests and approach.

If you’re fascinated by politics and governance, you might find it engaging.

However, it can be a bit challenging for some due to its complex theories and research requirements.

Like any subject, success boils down to your dedication and study habits.

It’s not inherently harder or easier than other fields; it’s all about your passion and commitment to it.

So, if politics is your jam, go for it!

What Is Special About Political Science?

Political science is like having a backstage pass to the world of power, governance, and societal dynamics.

It lets you explore how governments work, why international relations matter, and how policies impact our lives.

Plus, it’s a launchpad for careers in politics, law, journalism, and more.

But here’s the real magic: it hones your critical thinking, research, and communication skills, turning you into an informed citizen who can make a positive impact on your community and the world.

So, it’s not just about understanding the system; it’s about actively shaping its future.

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A political science degree is worth it and it’s highly valuable.

If want to pursue a political career, getting a political science degree is a great choice.

With a political science degree, you can work in diverse political settings including Government and Public Administration, Law and Legal services, International Relations and Diplomacy, etc.

If you have any questions or inquiries, ensure to drop them in the comment section and I will respond right away.

Best of luck!

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  • Grace Williams

    Grace Williams is a retired teacher with over 30 years of experience when it comes to teaching and education in general. She has decided to share her wealth of knowledge on Schoolcrib.

Grace Williams

Grace Williams is a retired teacher with over 30 years of experience when it comes to teaching and education in general. She has decided to share her wealth of knowledge on Schoolcrib.

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